
Principal Investigator

Joyce Poon


Zuyang Liu (PhD, UGhent)

Graduate Students


Alperen Govdeli (MS EE, METU; BS EE, METU)

Tianyi Liu (BS Appl Phys, USTC)

Xin Mu (MEng EE, Tsinghua; BEng EE, Tsinghua)

David Roszko (MS Neurosci, U Alberta; BS EE, U Alberta)

Ankita Sharma (MS EE, ETHZ; BS EE, Caltech)

Jack (Tianyuan) Xue (MASc ECE, UT; BASc EngSci-Phys, UT)


Ibrahim Elmallah (BEng EE, U Alberta)

Tony Fu (BASc EngSci MI, UT)

Undergraduate Students

Nick Nabavi (BASc EngSci ECE, UT)

ECE Captsone: Fiona Kuang, Kashish Mistry, Sara Ahmad, Raisa Aishy 

Visiting Scientists

Wesley Sacher (MPI of Microstructure Physics)

Selected Awards Won by Group Members

Corning Women in Optical Communications Scholarship: Ankita Sharma (2025)

OFC Top-scored paper: Zheng Yong et al. (OFC 2017)

Corning Outstanding Student Paper semi-finalists: Wesley Sacher and Jared Mikkelsen (OFC 2012)

Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Award: Arash Joushaghani (FiO 2011)

Numerous recipients of departmental, NSERC, and Ontario graduate scholarships.